« They were thousands and thousands of dark figures runing out of their holes, long sinuous tunnels invaded by these creatures swift as spiders, scratching, strolling, jumping, like real demons from the hells. All the inside of the mountains was overwhelmed by this exode from the Shadows forgotten in the womb of the young Earth. Like ants, legions of black warriors frantically spreaded out of their hidden lairs to wave on the flancs of each mountain in an horrible chain reaction. The quiet forested valley was invaded by all side and no matter the majestic presence of the giant Yew-trees, their magnificence was raped by this tide of souless beasts. »
The story-teller is so emotionally disturbed that he must stop abruptly to regain control of his trembling voice. His young public is amazed in front of the Divine Dream’s Traveler. After a little while, the story continues to take its flight rocked by the charming voice…With the grace of a swan, the story-teller spread his two arms. In the same momentum, his voice reaches an aerial lightness with some elfic accents :
« From the heart of the Sacred Forest a song is carried with the wind in between the boughs of the Green Realm. In a crescendo of a mystical and ancient language, the chant of sounds and words echoes through the wilderness. From the quintessence of the Yew’s Spirits, the fey like spellbound words swirl amist the giant trunks and ferns. »
Like a passionate reincarnated Spirit, the story-teller become the wind of hope, inspired from this genesis time of the nordic forest.
« Fast as the light, this wave became an expending wall of powerfull burning energy…not for the forest but for the twisted minds from these shadows from beneath. You should have seen these vulgar corpses literally dismembered by the blasting wave of Life : the Chant of the Wild Forest of the Yews. All this army so ready to trample over the Life Beings of the Greem Realm, was totally dismantled in an instant. »
The story-teller lift his arms in the air, in a V shape, and claps his fingers together.
« And here was the first real magic assignment of the mysterious Cailla, the only one human entitled to follow the Path of the Consciousness Traveler. »
THE END…(but soon, the chronicle III…)
Renatus, your chronicler.