« I am talking about a time where all the stars are shining like diamonds in a sky fed with life taking the shape of God’s dreams. Yes, by then, our Mother-Earth is still young, at her first attempt to give birth to a new race, a new incarnated promise, a new hope. Star seeds are flowing in their veins like shimmering fishes swimming in the Great River of Life. »
The story-teller keeps his eyes shot and let the wind fulfil his nostrils like a soothing touch from the Ether land manifested in each fiber of life. All his body is echoing at the Divine Presence calling again as an inspiration behind each word, wrapped with emotion, aimed at each heart, each soul, each inner child spellbound by his performance. With the grace of a swan, the story-teller blooms open his eyes, arms, heart and soul and sings his wonders floating in the air through all these invisible bridges built up to let pilgrims of stars be lifted again by the magic essence of the story.
« Here at my side, behind a veil of invisibility, stands the Lady Queen of the Pleiade’s Daughters : Maïa. She is paying a visit to you, children of the stars, and is here as an observer. While her actual body is far deep in the ocean of life called the universe, her extended link is using a kind of path, set by some Divine Dreams that we call SHORES OF THE DREAM LANDS. By this state of consciousness, our Queen stays connected to us and walks beside our own dreams and is a witness of our reality entirely created by each of us. You, listeners and I, the story-teller, are linked together on these Shores touching the Divine Dreams. »
The story-teller, his eyes and arms wide open, embraces the world around him, the invisible one and the visible one, in a same rhythm, the chant of divine waves is caressing all the hearts and souls gathering on the Shores of Dream lands. In a voice harmonised with the song of tiny stones and shells dancing over the wet sand, the story-teller concludes :
« As at the dawn of Mother-Earth, as today, here, under the cover of the giant Yew-Trees… As in the future, when humanity will be kept in an illusion built on fear and power, we are enhancing, together, a time-line of infinite possibilities. »
With his head lightly bent forward, the story-teller takes a deep breath and let his ocean blue eyes scan the group of fervent listeners. He knows that the time has come to reveal the hidden. A smile slowly stretches on his face at the thought popping in his mind. The Pleiade’s Queen is pushing gently her telepathic link, enhancing strongly the creative power of the Consciousness Traveler. The atmosphere is colored with anticipation when his voice vibrates in the air :
« Our Queen has spoken, here and now is the perfect rendez-vous. » From above his head, a fountain of rainbow colours sprinkles like a wonderful firework.
« As seasons gliding over our head, as the moon touching our inner ocean, as the sun sending his warming light, as the bird singing at your heart, as a child creating a smile on our face… we are all interacting with each other as one gesture of Grace, Joy, Kindness and Beauty. These last states of being are totally free and may flow in your veins like brooks of fresh water in wild mountains. On this path blessed by your smiles blooming beside the road of your life, you become as beautiful as flowers showing their naked simplicity so miraculously divine. Our pleiadian Queen shows us the direction. She came back on my side from this far cluster sparkling in our Taurus constellation to tell you where to aim your arrow. »
The Consciousness Traveler is so radiant in his garment made up with exotic accessories. He is acting like a bow man focused on an invisible target in front of him. As a real piercing weapon, each person attending at the storytelling feels a sharp spark in their chest. Their heart is touched once more. That is why so many peoples of all ages are attracted to these moments of wonders and warm heart soothing.
Satisfied and nourished by his Queen’s complicity, the story-teller smiles and backs up in a blur of the seven rainbow colours spiraling from where he was standing.
As usual, the Consciousness Traveler did step again in an other alternate plane of the multiverse.
The end of the Chronicle VI of the Pleiade’s Daughters.
Renatus, your chronicler.