Children of the Earth V
Winter in New England is usually very pleasant, not surprisingly cold, but not the high level of moisture that penetrates any protection any isolation and kills all well being. But in the case of Denizia, our carrier of White Magic, this winter ends in the paranormal events ever intense. With her fairy guardian Mhörhygan and Sky, his familiar hawk, disturbing phenomena are exploding, especially since the day of the last Beltaine.
Denizia has been blessed by the Goddess Brigid and touched by the Watchers of the multiverse, Ditratos and Yuna, again reflective, is sitting in the center of her secret garden at the foot of the tree of life. The mere memory of a dream has guided Lady Denizia here, under the glass of the ancestral greenhouse. Nice and warm in this haven, exotic colorful birds flew by the carrier of White Magic as smile of happiness is given to her bird friends, a divine gift from her Goddess Brigid. Some birds even just pull a few locks of her hair, almost as a horses’ due to its thick density, but come yet silky as the down of a chick. Their boldness excites slightly the hunting instincts of Sky, but the empathetic link of the two Children of the Earth prevails. Connected to his brother and sister Birds, reassured and relaxed with her family, the multiple shadows of her winged fellows run over her body touched by sensual woman attributes.
Denizia contemplates the rich foliage of the tree while dragging her Goddess like body on smooth and century-old roots plowing throughout a thick carpet of Scots moss. The hazel of her eyes falters and gives way to a green tapestry that bathes them. Like a true replica of the multiverse, Oak-Brother ennoble these feeder roots that radiate like a sun. These plants draw tentacles in the invisible and chthonic darkness, Essence of Life. Through its powerful trunk, full of life-giving matter and supports multiple branches of the multiverse and the different species of animal and vegetable, but also terrestrial and celestial.
Sky likes to stroke the arm and shoulder of her older sister, tickling her. A laugh like that of a small child's, escapes the tender and loving sensual lips of the Daughter of Earth. “Sky, Sky, Sky... you're teasing today. Oh I see is that Mörhygan walking on your shore of dreams! You are a famous duo of friends, you two!”
A strange breeze comes waltzing to the thick hair of Denizia, as Mörhygan appears on the back of Sky. The air blast rattles a few leaves of the tree of life. The three friends turn their eyes to the dense pair, their indigenous-tree that vibrates from wave to wave, dropping leaves fluttering in a zigzag motion toward them and settle all around, like a large circle marking invisible seven leaves... Mörhygan breaks the silence, “The coalition of the seven universes of the multiverse!”
Sky spreads his wings in surprise and Denizia opens her eyes wider on his little guardian fairy who adds, “Well what? You do not know why Dreamland’s signs are guiding you up at this moment?”
“Well, is that...” Denizia and Sky swap an empathetic look at each other… “We thought we fly with Deniziair and make a jump to Appalachian...”
“Hey! No, no...” cut soon the little fairy… “Later, the winged ballads, Moreover, you wear the seven key Portals on you.”
“On me?” she ask her fairy friend.
A feeling of warmth and tingling draws Denizias’ attention to her chest, specifically along her right breast... A hot surge of energy comes stroking its whole flank, providing a sweet and deep emotion in her heart. Looking up into the branches of plants beneath which she is sitting, Denizia does not see the monochrome prints of her jacket suddenly come alive and take flight, color and life. Spreading their wings in a waggle of life and energy, while the butterflies fly from the very fabric of the clothing worn by Denizia...
To follow in the chronicle of VI Children of the Earth, soon.
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