René Gratton, bien connu ici comme Renatus, votre chroniqueur du multivers
se joint à Patricia Boisvert, musicienne du Sensible et conteuse
pour vous offrir le Duo Patricia & René.
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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chronicle of the Mirror, part X

La Roche-aux-fées and its moon night are far behind, well above them, where careless civilizations are under a risk of the Dark Elves invasion. Telepathic thoughts run through the  massive and dense rock.The descent is constant. The dimensionless bodies pass through the telluric crust between two worlds; the one of Light and the other of Darkness.
 Ditratos and Yuna take advantage of the magic of the dark elves. Their ethereal physical bodies pierce the veil of the three dimensions realm. The layers of different stones pass through the vital essence of the two adventurers. They experiment the impossible. They are fused with the infinitely small. The quintessence of each of them is intercalated to the one of Gaia and the trip in its center creeps in between the matter.
The magic of the multiverse’s watcher is the guidance as they progress in the Gaia’s womb toward their enemy, Arachnéida. Sometimes they pass through areas, openings without rock. These regions are inhabited sometimes by races unknown to their original minds. But the Transfiguration of Arachnes bears fruit. Knowledge and intrinsic magic of the Dark Elves are now circulating in each micro-molecule of their beings. This journey in the core of Gaia is to prove it.
Another antechamber is discovered by the two travelers. From the Ceiling riddled with amber crystals, their ghostly body emerge from the solid rock and slip into the air levitating down. They recognize a breed that has never set foot on Gaia’s surface: the duergars. The size of these creatures does not reach the knees of a human. Small, but almost as powerful as their cousins dark elves, loyalty, honor and integrity of the duergars do not save them from slavery. Here they extract these crystals for their masters and dream of freedom. Then, Ditratos cast a telepathic link to Yuna: These duergars will  turn soon a page in their history. Our plan will help them to do so. But it is much wiser for us to act in the invisible, thank you Yuna. By our humble gesture overshadowed by your fairy magic, the honor of a race is saved. Fairy fair lady, your veil of invisibility assures us success.
Oh! She thinks. I like to save my privacy. This is a fairy’s concern lying dormant in my Arachne’s body ... Beware, Ditratos, I feel the presence of some Arachnes not far, probably in a cave nearby. Protect well your telepathic links, dear friend. Here, discretion is crucial.
Still together, the invisible descent continues amidst  prison like natural crystals. Again, the watchers are intrusing themselves in the subterranean mass around them. That's it, think Yuna, in few cubits, I will test my charisma on my peers. Here I cease the invisibility. This way I won’t insult these Arachnes.
The extrusion is performed again, but this time in total visibility. The bodies of the two companions materialize in the ambient air, extirpating themselves without pain from the telluric mass. As two bodies emerging from water, our friends are living the extrusion with nonchalance as true inhabitants of the Inner Meanders.The sight in front of their eyes is breathtaking. Yuna and Ditratos are levitating in the upper area of a fault which extended on both sides. Here is an aura of power and authority that affects Ditratos’s etheric body very hardly.
He knows that the success of their mission now rests on Yuna’s charisma. Levitating above a bottomless chasm, he knows that here is where the destiny of Gaia’s civilizations. The magician sees other male dark elves in suspension here and there. They are other servants waiting for any need from their Arachne.
Yuna ceases from levitating and bravely spreads her demon like wings. With One last wink at her friend and she is gone, hovering toward darkness which host thousands of cubits below. His friend disappears, swallowed by the void… He looks up slowly at these puppets hanging in the emptiness, like himself, they wait, simply ... while his stomach is tied to ... just ... at the mercy of the fragile and reckless plan, to outflank the queen of the Dark Elves on her own ground. If the operation of the two friends is successful, Arachnéida will abandon its plan to invade the multiverse. But here, suspended in inaction, he hopes foe some news from his little companion. By all existing mysteries, I feel so lonely here without my beloved.
This thought is escaping from his heart! Ditratos is taken by surprise ... His heart toggle, suspended over the unknown. A self-confident smile clears the anxiety off  his ebony face because a strength inhabits him now. Ditratos falls for a fairy suspended over the unknown, but not like a puppet. He looks at the other silhouettes standing still above the emptiness and he is still smiling: To fall in love, this idea does appeal to me... suspended at my heart.
At this thought, Ditratos recalls instructions from the Fairy: Protect your beautiful elfic eyes with my home-made medicine cream. Believe me, my dear, I hide a brilliant surprise to our guests.

To be continued in the chronicle of the Mirror, part XI.

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