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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chronicle of the Mirror, part XVII

Temple of Wonders still holds secrets within its walls. It is here that we find collections the most mystical, mysterious and even legendary. The luminous sphere keeps vigil over these gems of the multiverse since eons. Suspended in the air, light touches of its rays shadows of Gothic arches and beams hiding other mysteries. Below is the study hall, now a dormitory for the master mage Ditratos and Yuna. Multiverse watchers rest now, since yesterday, a guest came from Earth to learn: A child of unusual sensitivity discovered by Yuna during her travels in the dream worlds.

The little fairy Yuna, lying on the chest of her friend magician, opens an eye on her young guess. Since a while, the child, too excited by the secret knowledge surrounding her, did sneak off on one of the bridges surrounding bookshelves. The fairy is reassured. Her protegee is sat on the bridge, an open book on her crossed legs. The title is: Sidhorion and the Guardians of the Fairy World. Yuna smiles at the curiosity guiding this daughter of the Earth. She learns more about Yuna’s birthplace and Dragons Guardians.

She observes a sacred moment unfolding before her eyes. A child of the Earth awakes to other worlds resembling to her own dream worlds. Which one are they reflections of the others? Before the end of her stay with her two new immortal friends, the heart of the girl will know the answer. Today, Yuna will guide the child on her own dream shores. Gently, she spreads her rainbow wings and lands near Ditratos’s ear and she whispers:

Hello my beloved strider, do not move and look at the little marvel on the bridge.

Accomplice and listening to Yuna, Ditratos raises eyebrows in surprise when his eyes open on the young friend at the study. Turning the head towards Yuna, he smiles and adds:

It will be a fantastic adventure for our young dreamer. You did well to wake me up. Hey, I have an idea!

The girl is engrossed in the great revelations of worlds and creatures she thought imaginary until last night. The great manuscript is wide open on her laps. These writings date back to the dawn of time, from Sidhorion’s pen itself, the Golden Dragon, the protector of the Fairy Worlds. The young child is too carried away by these fantastic stories to notice her new friend that sits on the railing of the foot-bridge. Yuna admires her young protegee fed by these legendary stories from her homeland. A sacred moment, certainly, but isn’it also a great opportunity to bring the world of reason in these worlds that Earthlings call imaginary. Yuna knows that in this child grows a future ambassadress who will be brave before a crowd of humans kept asleep in the rational and material world.

Aromas of toast and chocolate milk distract the young explorer of forgotten worlds. She raises her head and sees Ditratos preparing a good breakfast. A jump later, she turns to her winged friend:

It's amazing what I discover here, with you two. In these stories of the early ages, you were there too, that I read. But you were different. Sidhorion  described you as a salamander covered with white feathers with angelic wings.

Through the ages, it is better to change our appearance. For us, immortals, this is our way to be reborn again. It’s a way to give us the impression of changing body as you on Earth. But there is another story. We have a surprise for you. But first, are you hungry?

Laughters, travel stories, characters described and met throughout the ages,  universes and legendary creatures accompany a meal. At the end of hot chocolate, mage rubs his hands with enthusiasm:

Here comes the surprise. Before the start of your dreams lessons, we want to introduce you to another friend.

Both hands on the edge of the table, the young nods frantically.

According to my centuries long observations on the human race, my dear mage, I think it's a yes.

The hand of the mage rises already articulating nimble and mystic fingers. The famous Mirror appears, reflecting the electrifying expression of an exceptional child.

Wow, this is fantastic!

Already standing near the Mirror’s frame, the child caresses grooves, mysterious runes, Celtic intertwining as well as various mythological figures carved around the Mirror.

Is it wood or stone?

Ditratos bends forward and looks at the girl.

This is magic wood, an indestructible wood, derived from the bark of the World Tree.

The World Tree?

Yggdrasil is the World Tree in the center of the cosmos, well, at least in the center of one universe among worlds of Divine Dreams.

Ah yes! One of the Worlds forming the large sphere in constant growth.

That’s it, young lady, Yggdrasil has given a part of himself to me. Powerful magic runs through the veins of this unique wood. On the other side of the Mirror opens the multiverse. It is therefore a portable portal.

Yuna lands on the shoulder of the young child. She reassures her with a singing voice.

For millennium, the Mirror transports us from one world to another without error of destination. If you wish, we can tell you who we will visit, but the surprise will be ...

No, here goes! If the other side of that mirror your friend waiting for you ... So he's my friend ... Let's go!

Holding the white mage’s hand, the child nods, determined. Yuna becomes light and plunges into Ditratos’s pendant. A step later, a new reality illuminates all the senses of the young traveler.

First the wind is striking and as aromatic as flowers. On top of a mountain, the three companions stand on a rocky plateau near two large stone columns carved with strange symbols and spirals. A voice suddenly rang in their minds:

Welcome to the Fairy World!

A shadow is running on the ground and then completely covers Ditratos and his guest. Looking up, the child opens wide her eyes.

Don’t be afraid little one. The friend of my friend is my friend. I'm ...

Sidhorion the Fairy Worlds’s Guardian!

Cutting telepathic thought a voice trembling with emotion, the child contemplates the promised surprise. Here, in front of her, a living legend overlooks the trio with a majestic and gigantic stature. Despite all that she has read about this great champion of the Yuna’s world, the young lady realigns the ideas she had made of this extraordinary being. The aura of  such a supernatural creature is fascinating her.

It is an honor to see such a young follower and visit us here at the portal of our world. Here on the Reunion Mountain, we have established a very close monitoring. It is on this historic site where met the great personalities of the multiverse. From the earliest ages, this portal was created by High Elves white magic women. Since you're here as a guest native of distant Earth, I offer you a flying visit over our great country.

Once these thoughts pass through the mind of the three visitors, the venerable mythical creature spreads her wings with immense grace and delicacy. Sidhorion lowers the end of his right wing at the foot of the young inhabitant of the Earth. The mage Ditratos bends at the ear of the child who is showing shining eyes.

For such a noble dragon, it is an extreme courtesy offering his wing as a stepping stone. Only his sister-in-arms High Elf had this privilege ...

That's funny. It strikes me as familiar.

Ditratos raises an eyebrow and looks at Sidhorion out of the corner of his eye. The dragon telepathically channeled his thoughts to his friend mage only:

Do not look at me that way. I'm as surprised as you.

Yuna appears on the Ditratos’s wood pendant standing against the chest of her friend mage. She cast a thought to Sidhorion and Ditratos:

Ah, males, all the same, it is obvious that our protegee is special. I would not invite her otherwise.

In a few wing beats, she lands on the child's shoulder and whispers to her:

Don’t worry princess, the day is young and full of discoveries yet unsuspected.

Tender thrill passes throughout the body of the young invited. Something happens in her being, that's for sure. In a spontaneous gesture, without thinking, she kneels and puts her lips on the tip of the Sidhorion’s wing. It is the turn of the venerable guardian of air to feel  energy nodes opening along her subtle bodies.

In a silence full of unsaid, Sidhorion’s surprised eyes are disclosing his thoughts:

By all ancestors, Lady Valdérianne was the only one to greet me so. The grace of an earliest ages High Elf found in the heart of a girl from the Earth, this is unprecedented.

The child leads the way on the wing of the dragon. Her eyes full of stars crosses Sidhorion’s ones, while penetrating. No mortal can stand at the overwhelming gaze of a golden dragon. Always brave, young inhabitant from the Earth moves naturally between the two wings. Ditratos and the venerable and legendary mount observe her with admiration and respect. Normally, all mortal being would be paralyzed in contact with this powerful legendary aura of a golden dragon. Here, the effect is opposite. The excitement and wonder prevail in the heart of the young Earthling.

The two friends secure themselves in between dorsal gold scales. Sidhorion rises and advances with a flexible and rhythmic approach  in a to and fro of  wings showing grace and beauty. He approaches the edge of the cliff that plunges into the fairy valley.

Hold on, the magic flight begins!

Telepathic thought through the mind of the young lady as a wind of madness, fingers tight on the mage robe, wide-eyed, breathless. The valley is beautiful beyond imagination. As two large sails, the wings of the dragon unfold and he throws himself into the vertiginous emptiness. A little shout out the lips of a child living a dream. The mythical guardian slides on the sweet air.

From valleys to rivers, the sight is striking. Everything looks like an idyllic realm made of both rough terrain but harmonious. Waterfalls wedged between huge mountains covered with dense vegetation, jump along the cliffs in a mist caressing the rocky foothills. Then these layers of  haze move away like diaphanous fingers over the valley crisscrossed by streams. The sky carries out thick clouds from where, sometimes, fellow draconic guardians emerge. They see to the safety of this magical world.
The young woman is searching for her fairy and asks to the mage:

What has happened to Yuna?

Shhh! Ditratos lays the index crossed his lips.

She hid in her cage ... She is rebel, here ... should not reveal to anyone her presence.

To prevent the wind to betray his secrets, Ditratos leans closer to the ear of her young friend:

As beautiful and magnificent as these may seem idyllic, the devious political infighting have fueled jealousy and lust. Our friend Yuna refused to lend to this macabre dance. Here we are in the Fairy World and we need to erase from our memories everything related to our friend. Sidhorion, you and I know nothing about a fairy who is a legend here. Moreover, to avoid to make you live embarrassing encounters, Sidhorion will not land at risk. This is why a score of dragons protect this area from any foreign invasion. More powerful beings hope to confuse inhabitants of these magical kingdoms to acquire magical knowledge.

Troubled eyebrows on the girl’s face call for a break. A comforting hand lays on her shoulder. She looks up and with a comprehensive look, Ditratos says in a low voice:

Light, as magical it might be, creates shadows in which certain beings delight to live in.

A meditative silence settles along the scenic tour. The overview is nonetheless extraordinary. Verdant valleys, meandering rivers, mountains covered with mysterious forests, sky with clouds hiding other fairies from windy realm, all these visions are printing in the mind of the young explorer.

Throughout the flight, some guards are crossing Sidhorion. The telepathic exchange between mythological creatures remain secret. The child feels discomfort from Sidhorion. She looks up at Ditratos. Also seems worried. Not wanting to mask the flavor of this visit, the young child is distracting her mind admiring those countries passing by Sidhorion’s magical and powerful wings.

These heavy silences with secrets combine to an important awareness for the girl. Suddenly, after all these revelations since her arrival alongside Yuna and Ditratos, comes a great responsibility taking root in her heart as a child of the Earth. Like a marble plinth under a statue, she now knows the importance of creating a dream world. Already, a social conscience is emerging in her being. Flying fairy worlds, sitting in the same place where the great High Elf warrior sacrificed her life in a battle against the servants of the shadow ... A ball of emotion gets stuck in the throat of the child of the Earth and some small tears come alter her vision of these magical lands. The disappearance of the High Elves and their exemplary courage stretch in the immortality of his new friends: Yuna the fairy rebel, Ditratos the white mage and Sidhorion the faithful guardian. A smile tinged with pride emerges on the face of the young lady and wet eyes too where stars shine an elf light.

Sidhorion feel the energy ball on his spine. The child awakens to divine dream worlds. The venerable dragon is honored to participate in the awakening of a creator of dream worlds. Out of nowhere, the memory of Valdérianne brings an almost mystical color to this overview with the invited young Earth’s inhabitant. With a slight rotation of the head, the eye of the dragon plunges a sympathetic look in her tiny and wet eyes of the young Earth’s daughter. Then Sidhorion think:

Brave Lady Valdérianne you would be proud of your Earth’s heiress.

Yes, I am!

An angelic voice echoes in Sidhorion’s head.

Two smiles meet. A young child awakens, a venerable dragon marvels.

The sun is closer to the horizon towards the end of the journey by air. Sidhorion lands near the two columns of the Reunion Mountain’s portal. Travelers slide along the wing stretched toward the ground. The child observes Ditratos and Sidhorion. Now she knows that her thoughts are blocked. Veiled and hidden world of adults is familiar to her. A wave of sadness clamps her heart for a moment.


The surprised girl turns to the source of the call. A winged salamander looks of these little well known eyes. The young friend does not pronounce her name. Ditratos was clear on this. The little creature flies to the child's ear.

Let our friends at their adult game, small child from Earth. We need to understand them. An annoying new was announced to us by the guards dragons. It will postpone our visit in dream land. We don’t want you to panic but undefinable events  are currently taking place in the neighboring valley of the Fairy Worlds. Ditratos and I need to go there at once. Believe me, my friend, there are ... uh ... creatures who should be monitored. We will let you safely in the Temple of Wonders.

Yuna stops talking for a moment, paying attention to telepathic thoughts through her mind.

Sidhorion volunteered to keep you company during our absence. He will guide you well in the great library.

But he is huge, he can’t circulate in the room!

You don’t know yet all the advantages of a golden dragon.

It is at this point that Ditratos approaches along with a very intriguing newcomer. Bigger than the mage in stature, his skin is as white as recalling white marble statues whose child remembers seeing in museums in her hometown. The familiar look abroad reassurance.


To guide you through these mysterious legends and treasures hidden in the cave of my friend ...

The Temple of Wonders. Corrects the mage, pretending to be offended.

Whoops! Excuse me, my vocabulary has slept with hundreds of years under the golden scales ... Take your time on Gaia, dear friends, our young traveler and I have many discoveries to share.

All Right then! Ditratos answers.

His hand let his fingers dance in the air. The Mirror appears to travelers of the multiverse. One step later, all end up in the Temple of Wonders.

Oh! Says the ivory figure, with his fists on his hips he adds:

Room reached phenomenal proportions. I remember this small room as it was in... Wait!

Sidhorion lays his hand to his bald skull, trying to remember ...

Please, Sid ... Forget it!

 Ditratos slap his hand gently on the shoulder of his millennium companion and said:

Our old stories make me feel old.

Ditratos and Yuna approach the Magic Mirror greeting their friends. Already, the young girl tames Sidhorion’s presence. A small hand rests on the white wrist of the Guardian. Both wave their hand as a goodbye to the two immortals.

In a spiral of light, Yuna seeps into the pendant. The two watchmen of the multiverse through the reflective surface and let the waves grow in successive waves. Sidhorion and his new friend, hand in hand, eyes still set on the empty space left behind the disappeared Mirror. The large room illuminated by its eternal sphere brings a great sigh to Sidhorion showing sparkling eyes.

Where do we start our explorations, little girl? Guides me because the room is so much bigger than before. You had a whole morning to see clearer ...

The young child runs in taking the lead and then realizes that Sidhorion observes her with a questioning look. She stops and turns to his friend and asked him:

What is it?

What is your name, young lady?

Denizia *

Well, let's go ... Denizia.

Thus, from shelves to bridges, explorers of mysteries engage themselves in the discovery of the multiverse under the eternal light of the Temple of Wonders.


Renatus, your chronicler

*The two watchmen of the multiverse, Denizia and Sky look surprised at the miracle of the Arcanas manifested before their eyes. Exhausted by so much effort, the daughter of the Earth lies on the ancient stone and covers her body with the cloak of feathers. Sky is nestled in the hollow of her belly, as in his nest to sleep. Yuna and Ditratos go up alongside Denizia, sleeping already. Yuna whispers in to the ear of the wizard :

Do you remember her first visit to our Hall of Wonders? There, she slept so well, feeling secure with us, so far, however, from home! She really has an open mind, out of the ordinary. Really, we made the right choice. Denizia will be a good emissary for the Earth…

 ( From Children of the Earth : Part III Part 3 of 3 )

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